Using LV2 PLugins

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PiPedal uses LV2 audio plugins. There are literally thousands of freely available high-quality LV2 plugins that are suitable for use as guitar effects.

By default, PiPedal comes with a basic set of plugins from the ToobAmp plugin collection. You will probably want to install more.

Here is a brief list of particularly recommended plugin collections.

Collection To Install Description
Guitarix ★★★★☆ sudo apt install guitarix-lv2 A large collection of guitar amplifiers and effects.
GxPlugins ★★★★★ Install GxPlugsin.lv2 Additional effects from the Guitarix collection
MDA Plugins ★★★★☆ sudo apt install mda-lv2 36 high-quality plugs
Invada Studio Plugins ★★★☆☆ sudo apt install invada-studio-plugins-lv2 Delays, distortion, filters, phaser, reverb
Zam Plugins ★★★☆☆ sudo apt install zam-plugins Filtering, EQ, and mastering effects.
Calf Studio Gear ★★★☆☆ sudo apt install calf-plugins Flanger, filters, reverb, rotary speaker &c

The GxPlugins pack requires a manual build; but it’s worth the effort. A pre-built version for aarch64 can be downloaded here. It contains some extraordinarily beautiful amp and effect emulations, many of which are superior to plugins in the main Guitarix package.

For a more complete (but still incomplete) list of LV2 audio plugins, see here.

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