Build Prerequisites

Run the following commands to install build tools required by the PiPedal build.

# install CMake
sudo apt updatee
sudo apt install -y cmake ninja-build build-essential g++ git

The PiPedal build process also requires version 12 or later of node.js. Type node --version to see if you have a version of node.js installed already. Otherwise run the following commands as root to install the v14.x lts version of node.js: ` sudo apt install nodejs npm curl

If your distribution doesn’t provide a suitable version of nodejs, you can install the current LTS version of nodejs with

# install NodeJS latest LTS release.
curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm

Run the following commands to install dependent libraries required by the PiPedal build.

sudo apt update 
sudo apt install -y liblilv-dev libboost-dev  \
    libsystemd-dev catch libasound2-dev uuid-dev \
    authbind libavahi-client-dev  libnm-dev libicu-dev \
    libsdbus-c++-dev libzip-dev google-perftools \

Installing Sources

If you are using Visual Studio Code, install the following Extensions:

  • C/C++ Extension Pack (Microsoft).
  • CMake Tools (Microsoft)

Clone the rerdavies/pipdal package from github. Use the source control tools from Visual Studio Code, or

cd ~/src    # or whereever you keep your source repositories.
git clone 

In the project root, run the following commands to initialze and update pipedal submodules. These steps must be performed even if you used Visual Studio Code to initially install the project.

cd ~/src/pipedal
git submodule update --init --recursive

Run the following command to install and configure React dependencies.

cd ~/src/pipedal
./react-config   # Configure React NPM dependencies.

And one final step. Edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf, and add or increase the value for the maximum number of watchable user files:


Then run sudo sysctl -p to get the change to take effect. Visual Studio Code and the React Debug server both need this setting to run properly. Older versions of Raspberry Pi OS set this value too low; and I am not honestly sure whether current versions of Raspberry Pi OS have fixed the problem.

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